Friday, August 4, 2017

It's ok to have a past, to have learn from others.

For so long, I thought that it is better, cooler, more legitimate, bought me more street cred if I was all self taught...or at least appeared that way. If I never really shared where I learned a skill, unless it was from a relative, a book I bought, or a video I watched then emulated. If I took an actual class or had someone with the title of teacher who I paid to learn from then I somehow cheated and no longer had the right to the title of entrepreneur or that of a "real" or "original" artist. 

I have, finally, come to the realization, that this whole thought process is total malarkey. Talking with some amazing teachers, watching and listening to some amazing artists who are so generous with their time and creativity have shown me that great artists and entrepreneurs, or at least those that I wish to emulate, come from somewhere and share what they know to help others on their journey. 

So to do this I will be sharing information on classes I have been taking, where I have been learning some of my skills, what I have been practicing, who I have been learning from. I will be going into how I have taught myself various skills and where I have gone to learn some of the rules that have helped me do what I do better and do things I never thought I could or didn't even enter my brain as concepts. I hope you all will take whatever you are interested in and share any knowledge you have with others as well. You never know where you might find a kindred spirit. 

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