Monday, August 7, 2017

And We're Off

The website is officially live! Yay!!! Happy dance. The last three weeks of late nights; researching till my eyes watered; weaving wire till my fingers cramped; setting up new accounts and asking questions till my laptop reminded me that I accidentally unplugged it 5 hours ago to get more comfortable; it's all culminated in this!

Now the nerves set in. How do I get it out there? Did I dot all my I's and cross all my T's (metaphorically speaking of course)? Will it appeal to my target audience? I believe it will, I trust it will, but the nerves are still there.

To calm the nerves I reassure myself that this week will I'll set aside time to get to know Pinterest and Instagram a bit better and work on my marketing skills. I will also devote at least double that amount of time to creating some amazing new pieces to add to the store. These commitments seem to calm my nerves and add a bit of excitement.

I wonder what creativity will come from this week's energy. I guess only time will tell.

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